As great as dentures are, even they can suffer from nasty rumors and stereotypes. People often hear many lies and false gossip about these traditional replacement teeth. In fact, you may even struggle to know what is and isn’t true about dentures in the first place. The good news is that your local Garland dentist can help you separate the facts from the fiction. So, read on to learn four debunked myths about dentures and why they’re just plain wrong.
“Dentures are Just for Old People”
Based on pop culture, it’s easy to see dentures as an “old people” treatment. However, the reality is that seniors aren’t the only ones who benefit from them.
You see, dentures aren’t age-specific devices. Young adults and even teens can qualify for the prosthetics alongside the elderly. Whether dentures would help your smile has more to do with tooth loss, not how long you’ve lived. That means young people could benefit from partial models if they’ve had mouth or jaw trauma.
“Dentures Stain Faster Than Natural Teeth”
Since dentures aren’t “real” teeth, some people assume they must stain more quickly. This idea couldn’t be further from the truth of the matter.
It’s actually the case that dentures don’t discolor like natural teeth. They’re constructed of composite material or resin completed with a sealant, so they’re shielded from stain agents. Varying foods and liquids are unlikely to change your dentures’ look. In fact, staining is virtually impossible when you have a regular maintenance program in place.
“Dentures are Always Loose & Move Around”
Popular media and other sources tend to depict dentures as loose. That said, such a view is outdated at best and a lie at worst; prosthetic teeth usually have a snug fit.
If you didn’t already know, today’s dentures are tailor-made for their patients. Dental labs craft and design them to fit perfectly in the owner’s mouth. As a result, they shouldn’t slip or slide around when you wear them; they won’t make eating, speaking, or smiling tricky. You’ll only need to worry about a loose fit if the dentures have worn down or your mouth has changed.
“Dentures Look Fake & Ugly”
A lot of gossip suggests dentures always look fake or ugly, but these rumors aren’t true. The prosthetic teeth can look quite lifelike if you get quality pairs.
To be more specific, only very cheap dentures look fake. Their low-quality materials don’t blend well with mouths and emphasize their artificiality. Meanwhile, good-quality dentures at a higher price appear very natural-looking.
To steer clear of these and other myths about dentures, talk to your dental provider. They’ll make sure you know the core denture facts!
About the Practice
North Garland Family Dental is based in Garland, TX. Led by Drs. Vazquez and Peterson, our practice strives to provide dentistry of the highest level. That means we offer preventive, cosmetic, and restorative treatments, all tailored to your distinct smile and its unique needs! Our team also performs emergency and sedation dentistry as needed. For more details or to book a visit, please contact us on our website or by phone at (972)-530-7979.