How Do Dental Bridges Fail and How Can I Keep Mine in Good Shape?

June 13, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Nancy Henrichsen @ 11:19 pm
Dental bridge

A dental bridge can be a great way to replace one or several sequential missing teeth, but they don’t last forever. While one of these appliances can last for up to fifteen years or more with excellent care, there are also a plethora of factors that can cause them to break or separate from the teeth. Here’s a brief guide to the things that can lead to dental bridge failure as well as how taking care of your restoration is a magnificent idea for your oral health.

Why Do Dental Bridges Fail?

A few reasons why a dental bridge may not last as long as it could include:

Poor oral hygiene

Traditional dental bridges are anchored with dental crowns placed on the healthy teeth on either side of the gap. If the patient does not practice proper oral hygiene, they will develop oral infections like tooth decay or gum disease that can require the dental bridge’s removal for treatment.

Insufficient support

If the teeth wearing the crowns keeping your bridge in place are compromised, the appliance may break off. This can happen because of oral injury, the teeth not being strong to begin with, or tooth decay.

Bad habits

Habits like chewing on found objects like writing utensils or ice, grinding, and using your mouth to open packages or bottles are all great ways to injure your teeth and damage your dental bridge. Smoking also causes gum disease that may require your bridge to be removed and replaced for treatment. Eating sticky, crunchy, or tough foods excessively can also strain and damage your appliance.

How Can I Keep My Dental Bridge in Great Shape?

A few excellent ways to keep your dental bridge in beautiful working order include:

Practice excellent oral hygiene

Every day, brush after waking up and before going to bed while also taking the time to floss and rinse with antibacterial mouthwash. This will clear away food debris and bacteria that can lead to destructive oral infections while keeping your smile shiny and your breath fresh and minty.

See your dentist regularly

The American Dental Association recommends seeing your dentist for a routine exam and cleaning twice yearly. This allows your teeth to be tended to and monitored by a qualified professional who can thoroughly clean them, advise you as to better oral hygiene, and correct any issues in their early stages.

Smart dental habits

Your teeth are designed only for eating, smiling, and speaking, so refrain from using them for any other purpose. When wearing a dental bridge, it’s also important to be wary of chewing on tough, sticky, or crunchy foods that could dislodge the appliance.

Dental bridges can allow you to enjoy a beautiful and complete smile after tooth loss. By taking excellent care of your appliance, you can help it look great and work well for as long as possible.

About the Practice

North Garland Family Dental delivers the finest oral healthcare services to the community of Garland, TX. Led by Drs. Yaritza Vazquez and Scott Peterson, the staff ensures that all patients receive effective treatments in a warm and welcoming environment. Areas of expertise include general, cosmetic, emergency, and restorative dentistry such as dental bridges. To learn more about proper dental bridge care, contact the practice online or dial (972) 530-7979.