Wobbly Tooth Alert: What to Do When You Have a Loose Tooth

May 17, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Nancy Henrichsen @ 9:26 pm
Patient looking at a loose tooth in the mirror

Picture this: you wake up in the morning and go to brush your teeth, but when you move over one of them, it moves! Would you know what to do, or would you fall into a panic? Whatever the reason for your loose tooth, acting quickly and calmly is important to protect your smile. Continue reading to learn the steps you should take if you find yourself with a wobbly tooth.

Assess Your Situation

First, try to figure out why your tooth is loose. Did you bite down on something too hard or slip in the bathtub? Are there signs of gum disease, like bleeding or swelling? You may not be an expert, but finding some evidence is important to help you explain the situation to your dentist. Once you’ve seen all you can see, call your dentist’s office and schedule an appointment. Depending on your symptoms, they may ask you to come in right away.

Avoid the Tooth

Resist the urge to wiggle or touch the loose tooth with your fingers or tongue. Excessive movement can further damage the sensitive ligaments that hold it in place, making it harder to save the tooth. This is especially important when brushing your teeth. Try to brush around the affected tooth until you can get to your dentist appointment.

Try To Reduce Swelling

If the looseness of your tooth is due to trauma or injury, a cold compress can reduce pain and swelling. Wrap some ice or a cold pack in a soft cloth and apply it to the outside of your cheek. This can help reduce swelling and numb the area, providing some relief from pain. Be sure to take a 30-minute break for every 20 minutes you have the compress against your skin to avoid damage.

Go to Your Appointment

During your scheduled appointment, your dentist will assess the tooth and recommend the proper treatment. This may include:

  • Splinting: A procedure where the loose tooth is attached to adjacent teeth to stabilize it while the surrounding tissues heal.
  • Cleaning and Scaling: Thorough cleaning to remove plaque and tartar that might contribute to gum disease which is known to cause loose teeth.
  • Surgery or Further Treatments: In severe cases, surgery or other interventions may be necessary to address the underlying issue.

While every effort will be made to save your loose tooth, be prepared for the possibility that it may be unsalvageable. In these cases, your dentist will discuss options for replacement, such as dental implants or bridges. While it may not be the desired outcome, it’s better than allowing injury or infection to spread and cause more harm.

Acting quickly and calmly when faced with a loose tooth is important. With swift action and good professional help, you can increase your chances of saving your tooth and maintaining your smile. Don’t hesitate; as soon as you feel the first wobble, contact your dentist.

About the Practice

If you’re having a dental emergency like a loose tooth in Garland, Dr. Yaritza Vazquez and Dr. Scott Peterson are dental experts who can help. They have advanced dental technology and extensive training to diagnose, treat, and care for a wide range of dental issues. Call (972) 530-7979 to schedule an appointment at North Garland Family Dental or visit the website to explore other services.